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Reviewing All Released FAA ACS | Private, Commercial, Instrument, and Flight Instructor.



Flight Instructor Airplane ACS (Effective May 31, 2024)

  1. Domain Instruments, Airman Standards, and Risk Management

    1. Changes to various domain instruments, including Airplant for flight instructors and Acs, with a focus on their effectiveness and how to use them. He also addressed some discrepancies in terminology and emphasized the importance of correct identification for knowledge tests within the new airman certification standards. Changes in risk management were also discussed, including a shift towards a more conversational approach and the introduction of a practical test checklist for all ratings. Lastly, he expressed satisfaction with the modifications made to the instra rating and intended to commend Everett Rashawn for his division's performance.

  2. PowerPoint Approach and ACS Updates

    1. Mike discussed his unconventional approach to using PowerPoint for presentations, emphasizing the importance of concise and impactful slide design. He noted the changes made to the ACS, including the addition of risk management, restructuring of titles, and the introduction of weather theory

    2. He also highlighted the new requirement for cross country flight planning to be done on paper and the relocation of weight and balance to the performance and limitations section.

  3. CFI's Area of Operation Modifications

    1. Mike detailed the latest modifications to CFI's area of operation, focusing on slow flight and stall procedures. He clarified the new terminology, emphasizing the shift from "slow flight" to "minimum controllable airspeed," and the revised recovery process in case of a stall, which now includes lowering the pitch attitude and accelerating to a faster speed. He also highlighted the need for demonstrating different types of stalls and the importance of controlling the aircraft to minimize symptoms.

  4. Updated Flight Instructor Certificate Requirements Discussed

    1. Mike outlined the updated requirements for reinstating a flight instructor certificate, which now include a test on fundamental instructing and a combination of previously separate tasks related to aircraft flight controls and systems. He emphasized the inclusion of new topics in navigation and radar services, and the necessity for pilots to be evaluated based on current standards, not outdated ones. Mike also underlined the importance of risk management skills, accurate use of performance charts and tables, and a shift in terminology from completion standards to proficiency-based skills.

Significant Changes

  • Risk Management: Included in every task

  • FOI (Fundamentals of Instruction): Titles regrouped

  • Sport Pilot and BasicMed: Inclusions

  • Weather Theory: Added

  • Electronic XC Flight Plan: Explanation and demonstration allowed

  • Weight and Balance: Moved into performance and limitations

  • Principles of Flight: Includes forces acting on an airplane

  • Lesson Plans: Applicants can use previously developed lesson plans from their library

  • Slow Flight: Two methods that can be chosen

  • Secondary Stall: Must be a full stall demonstration

  • DPE (Designated Pilot Examiner): Can test FOI on renewal/reinstatements

A/O II – Technical Subject Areas

  • Task E: Aircraft Flight Controls and Operation of Systems (Previously two separate tasks)

  • Task H: Navigation and Radar Services (Includes Transponder Modes A, C, and S; testing on ADS-B)

  • Task J: 14 CFR and Publications (Includes INFOs and SAFOs)

  • Task K: Endorsement and Logbook Entries (Includes SFAR and Class B endorsements; requirements for CFI renewal and reinstatements)

  • Task N and M: High Altitude Operations (Supplemental Oxygen and Pressurization as separate tasks)

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