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Making a Pre Flight Briefing from your Lesson Plans

  1. Introduction

    1. Title Slide: "Part 61 FARs"

    2. Overview of the FOI from 1969

      1. Description of the FOI

      2. Historical context

  2. Changes Over Time

    1. What Changed Since 1969?

    2. Comparison of FOI Page Lengths

      1. 1969: 109 Pages

      2. 2020: 233 Pages

    3. Discussion: "Is all of this necessary?"

  3. Key Focus Areas

    1. Clear Purposes for ManeuversLesson Plan from 1969

      1. Detailed explanation of the lesson plan

  4. Location and Instruction

    1. Location Details

      1. Importance and description

    2. Handees

      1. Explanation of handees

    3. Modern Location Considerations

  5. Reflection

    1. Did We Make Worse Pilots Then?

      1. Comparative analysis of pilot skills and training quality over the years

  6. Conclusion

    1. Final Thoughts and Questions

      1. Summary of key points

      2. Open the floor for questions and discussioncheck back later. Upload in process.

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