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Update on Basic Med, NAFI Summit Anouncement, MEI Lesson Plans from CFI Bootcamp, and a flying tip of the week...

November 2022

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Basic Med will be able to be used as SIC very soon

The FAA administrator said yesterday that he would sign the correction to the FAR on basic med to allow pilots flying with Basic Med to serve as SIC. Currently, the only capacity available is PIC. The final rule will be published in the federal Resister.

NAFI announces a summit

The National Association of Flight Instructors will hold a Summit for CFIs in Lakeland, FL, on the Sun-n-Fun campus, October 24-26, 2023. This will be dedicated to flight training. Similar to The Redbird Migration, the NAFI summit will focus on flight training but concentrate on flight instruction. It’s good to see another flight training-centric conference. NAFI has over 12,000 members. They are part of the Pilot Proficiency project at Airventure.

Multi-Engine Lesson Plans from CFI Bootcamp are just days away from release.

The nearly six-month project of writing the Multi-engine lesson plans is in its final days. There are 53 lesson plans that cover all areas of operations and tasks in both the Private and Commercial ACSs. There are also lesson plans for all areas of operations and tasks in the Flight Instructor Airplane Multi-Engine PTS, except for the Fundamentals of Instructing. This means the lesson plans work for an initial Private or Commercial Pilot Certificate, an additional category or class rating, and Flight Instructor Airplane Multi-Engine initial or additional rating. In addition, the lesson plans include references to FARs, FAA Handbooks (Chapters and pages), ACS and PTS (Chapter and pages), ACs, and so on. An excellent resource for anyone teaching in a Mukti-Engine airplane.  Note: lesson plans are not included for seaplane-specific tasks.

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The Power Hour is over Two Years old, with 115 episodes.

In case you don’t know, CFI Bootcamp does a live one-hour lesson on Saturday from noon to one Eastern time. Topics vary from deep dives on specific maneuvers, the art of visually flying, ForeFlight features you probably didn’t know, How to use a Syllabus and lesson plan together, and more. The Power Hour is free when it’s live. 

Click here to get the login details. 

You get a reminder mid-week, an hour before the show and when it starts, so you won’t miss it.

If you miss it or want to hear all 115 episodes, you’ll need to join our membership site, Bootcamp plus.  Before you do that, ensure you are registered to get the login link (see the above link). The reason is that the street price of the membership site is 22/mo. In the outline we send you after the show, there is a way to get it for 9/mo.

The site also has short topic videos, our tribal knowledge series, and more.

Click here to see what’s in Bootcamp Plus.

Flying tip of the week

Do you fly cross-country at night? Plan your fuel stops at larger airports with a fuel truck. If you go to a small airport that has self-serve fuel, it may not work. Then you’re stuck. So spend a bit more on a crew car or get transportation to a hotel with an FBO discounted rate. 

Episode 33: Season 2:  Update on Basic Med, NAFI Summit Anouncement, MEI Lesson Plans from CFI Bootcamp, and a flying tip of the week...

On this episode of Flight Training the Way I See it, Mike discusses the update on how Basic Med will soon be able to be used as SIC very soon!  We cover NAFI's summit announcement, and the tremendous amount of MEI Lesson Plan development that has taken place here at CFI Bootcamp.  Still haven't joined in for a Power Hour Lesson? We'll you are missing out! We have aired over 115 LIVE shows! Along the way we have covered topics pertaining to private pilots, commercial, multi-engine, and of course CFI specific training.  We close out the show by discussing our flying tip of the week! 


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