Immersive Bootcamp Training
CFI Bootcamp has the experience and the track record to enhance your instructional skillset, and get you finished with your initial flight instructor certificate in around 3 weeks.
Note: You only need to spend 2 weeks on campus with us! The rest you do online where ever / whenever you want.
Get Started Now
Have Questions?
CFI Mastery | CFI Initial | CFI-Instrument
4 easy steps.
1. Schedule your desired class.
Schedule the desired class on our website.
2. Submit your deposit.
3. Start the Online Course
Get the online courses as soon as you can, but no later than recommended below:
Initial CFI Course - 2 weeks prior to the 7 day class. We recommend you start the Online Course 4 to 6 weeks prior.
Mastery Course - We recommend you start the Online Course 1 week prior.
4. Complete the Onboarding Document
Complete the Onboarding Document at least 6 weeks before the class. (Asks for your pilot certificate numbers, FTN etc.) If it is with-in 6 weeks please call us or email to ensure we have sufficient staff.