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What is a CFI?
From how much it costs to become a Flight Instructor to how much a CFI makes...

October 19th, 2021
Going Digital vs Paper, Round Gauges vs EFIS, The Cost of Getting your CFI.

November 19th, 2021
MEI or CFII as an Initial Certificate? The Difference between a lesson plan and pre-flight briefing.

December 20th, 2021
My take on the Fundamentals of Instructing, Creating your own Lesson Plans...

January 20th, 2022
ACS Dates, Redbird Migration, Techniques and Safety Procedure - MEI Lesson Plans

February 22nd, 2022
Push and play syllabus, DPEs testing outside the references, Necessary CFI Population Program

CFI Workbook
Cement your understand of the Fundamentals of Instruction and the technical subject areas. Updated 2022