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This is our complete resource for CFI students and CFIs already working.  It’s a Digital file cabinet full of timely and useful references.  All of CFI Bootcamp’s students use this during their training and most continue to use it after they are done.  It’s completely organized into sections so finding the information you want is easy.  It includes:  ACS, Advisory Circulars, The AIM, Clarification Media, Cost Estimators and Training Agreements, FAA Handbooks, FAA Orders, Flight Review Guidance, FOI Study Aids, High Altitude Flight, Our Lesson Plans and Syllabus, Maneuvers guide, POHs for many different aircraft, Airspace aids, PTS, Radio Communications and Non Towered Airport Operations, Regulations and Endorsements - Includes the Ultimate Guide to Endorsements, Risk Management, Runway incursion avoidance, Weather charts/forecasts and our very popular Flight Instructor Workbook.  CFI essentials contains everything, so you don’t need to buy the lesson plans, Ultimate guide to endorsements or the workbook separately.  It’s all inside.  This is perfect for students working on their CFI and its super valuable when you are done as a complete resource to your everyday work as a CFI.  Ships as a download that is zipped and ready for use.


Window Users : NOTE : Please remember to Exctract file after download. Right hand click > Exctract file




CFI Essentials | Our Custom Training Aids and FAA Resources | Instant Download



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