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CFI Gold is your “Go To” guide for the FARs.  You’ll find our Concise guide to the FARs strip down the regulations that only apply to Airplane Single Engine Land from an instructors perspective.  You can quickly scan this document to see what is in each FAR because we wrote a one or two sentence description of what is in each one.  No more ….except as provided in paragraph d 2 ii of this section…blah blah blah…you get what’s in the regulation instantly.  Also included is our Part 61 for Flight Instructors Explained.  In this section we take the difficult to follow FARS and also the FARs that you will most likely use and explain them from an airplane single engine land instructor perspective.  Last we have a section filled with flow charts to walk you through the regulations for soloing a student, sending them on cross country flights, adding additional category and class ratings, TSA and more.  These flow charts literally ask you questions and based on your answers guide you through the FARs all while showing you the FAR and the FAR trail to the answer as you go.  These are literally FAR GOLD.


These are the same documents we use in our CFI Bootcamp classes.  Tried and tested, FAR GOLD will make a difference in your understanding and use of the regulations.

SAFE Members | FAR Gold - FAR's re-written | Instant Download

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